Lundi, 3 mars 2025

Avis de décès

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4 mars 2021 ‐ Notre-Dame-du-Nord
Troy Tolley Wabie

English follows

La Coopérative funéraire du Témiscamingue vous informe du décès de Monsieur Troy Tolley Wabie, de Notre-Dame-du-Nord. Il est décédé le 4 mars 2021 à l’âge de 37 ans.

Monsieur Troy Tolley Wabie laisse dans le deuil sa mère Florence Wabie, ses enfants: Mary-Jane Munro, Naïema Tolley-Brascoupe et Trooper Tolley-Brascoupe ainsi que ses frères : Newman Travis-Davis Wabie et Easey Ray Grant Tolley. Il laisse également ses grands-parents : Norman et Mary Wabie; ses oncles et ses tantes : Percy, Hamilton, Nancy, Brian, Myra, Blair, Roland, Estelle et Shirley Wabie ainsi que Bertha, Russel, Bobby, Gordon, Linda, June et Norman Tolley de même que plusieurs neveux et nièces : Anthony Wabie, Liam Wabie, Arianna Wabie, Jasmine Renaud, Kiesha Renaud, Elena Jamison, Falken Tolley Wabanonick and Angel Tolley Wabanonick, autres parents et amis. Il est parti rejoindre son père Raymond Tolley, ses grands-parents : Alex et Angélique Tolley ainsi ses oncles et sa tante : Henry, Robert et Marilyn Tolley.

Compte tenu des circonstances actuelles, l’exposition et les funérailles se dérouleront en privé.

La Coopérative funéraire du Témiscamingue informs you of the passing of Mr. Troy Tolley Wabie, from Notre-Dame-du-Nord. He passed away on March 4th, 2021 at the age of 37.

Mr. Troy Tolley Wabie is survived by his mother Florence Wabie, his children: Mary-Jane Munro, Naïema Tolley-Brascoupe and Trooper Tolley-Brascoupe as well as his brothers: Newman Travis-Davis Wabie and Easey Ray Grant Tolley. He also leaves his grandfather and his grandmother: Norman and Mary Wabie; his uncles and aunts: Percy, Hamilton, Nancy, Brian, Myra, Blair, Roland, Estelle and Shirley Wabie as well as Bertha, Russel, Bobby, Gordon, Linda, June and Norman Tolley, many nephews and nieces: Anthony Wabie, Liam Wabie, Arianna Wabie, Jasmine Renaud, Kiesha Renaud, Elena Jamison, Falken Tolley Wabanonick and Angel Tolley Wabanonick, other relatives and friends. He left to join his father Raymond Tolley, his grandfather and his grandmother Alex and Angelique Tolley as well as his uncles and his aunt: Henry, Robert and Marilyn Tolley.

Given the current circumstances, the viewing and the funeral will be held in private.